UNIDA CHRISTIAN CENTER sits serenely at the junction of the by-pass road going to Tagaytay City and the smaller road going to Silang Town Proper, at the left side of Aguinaldo Highway coming from Manila. Here every three years Unida feels the presence and power of the HOLY SPIRIT when God chooses the men who are to lead the church for three years.
On May 21st in the Year of Our Lord 2010, I personally felt the presence of the Holy Spirit when I was elected as the “least of the apostles” but nevertheless was chosen by God to be the Tesorero General.
Alas, I can only speak for myself. The UNIDA way is so humbling. You end up saying to God “I am only so because YOU had your way.”
Last Friday (May 21, 2010) God chose the Unida Generales from the 11 set apart from the rest by men. I heard my name read for the first two positions but God said no. But in the position I did not prefer I heard my name read first and at a chance of 1:9 God said “I want you” and I literally crumbled with the question “why” twirling in my mind. But He quickly put me in my place. He wants me as one of the generales, no ifs and no buts. And like I said time and time again to other people, when God calls you there are only two answers: “Yes Lord and Yes Lord.”
Tesorero General. Pastor Gamaliel B. Filio, unang bunot. “Ikaw ang Pinili ng Panginoon.” 95 people covered my back and made sure that it happened and God delivered the coup d grace. I am in, the Unida way.