SINGING is a God-given talent. It should be used primarily in worshipping and praising God.
On the secular stage, performances showcase a person’s singing talent. The focus is on the performer and the bravos are for him/her. The audience gush “Oh, what a voice, what a performance!”
Several nights ago, the American Idol finalists sang “Shout to the Lord!” They bombed. Why? Because they were all performing instead of praising God. They even started on the wrong foot by changing the lyrics of the song. Instead of singing “My Jesus, My Savior” in the first bar they sang “My Shepherd, My Savior.” They were so focused on their performance, they ignored the God they are singing about.
The Center of Worship is God. It is all about Him. Not the worshipper.
But the worshipper must give all that he has and the best that he has. Our times is blessed with the "best of so much", nay, not only the best but the fastest way of doing things that the first Christians and reformers did not have nor even dreamed could ever be possible.
Could they ever have imagined an instrument that can play like a Hammond organ at the flick of a finger, or be a violin, a trumpet, a piano, etc at the musicians whim? Or a stringed instrument like a guitar whose volume can be controlled from a whisper to the loudest sound. Or could they ever have imagined a MINUS ONE?
These are musical instruments that God has given our generation to use and CONTROL for the good of the church. Satan is using them to take hold of the world. We should not let IT win BY DEFAULT. By all means, let us use them. But let us be DISCRIMINATING AND HOLY when doing it. Let us always remember that worship is about God. Not about you performing but you PRAISING AND WORSHIPPING GOD.
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