This week, let us meditate on the dynamics of the Information Highway and the role of the Christian Church, specifically Unida, there. But first we must understand it before we can travel through it.
The Bibles says: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14
There was a time in my younger years as a pastor when I was unable to fathom how this “preaching in all the world and witnessing unto all nations” can be accomplished. I have ceased to wonder. Advances in communication technology and what is now called “Information Highway” have proffered a pathway. The gate is now open for the fastest dissemination of information “in all the world” and “unto all the world” but not only of the gospel but of those opposing it and of those trying to bring down the Church of Christ. How fast? At the flick of a finger. Or in Biblical term “in the twinkling of an eye.” “isang kurap!” That’s how fast your message reaches the world.
The dynamics of this field is this: anybody can enter in and post his message and vice versa anybody can challenge what you have written. So it takes not only the facility to post but also the courage of conviction to stand by and defend what you have written. And this is what makes it interactive and alive because internet travelers have the option of reading or deleting without even opening it. Just be sure that what you have written is defensible. The upside is that if nobody is able to put down what you have posted, it stands.This then is the battleground to fight for the ONLY WAY, ONLY TRUTH, AND ONLY LIFE.
The Unida Church is reaching the world right now, this very second, with the message of the “Saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” And for this, I admire several people in Unida Church who are taking advantage of the Information Highway by using it to preach and witness unto the world. If I mention some of them here, it is not because they are the only ones doing it, but only because they are the ones I know of and admire. There are others but I have not come across them yet. But when you respond to this meditation with names and sites, we can perhaps make a more complete and comprehensive list that we can link together. In the meantime permit me to begin. Here goes.
First is Heart Surgeon Dr. Aladin M. Mariano, based in Chicago, USA, with his Foundation for the Advancement of Christian Truth and Spirit at www.fact-s.net. He is my brother-in law and is the youngest son of a Unida Pastor, the late Rev. Laureano C. Mariano. He comments on my site and my GINTONG BUTIL. And his Biblical knowledge is extensive. You will see his comments sometimes agreeing but sometimes disagreeing with my Gintong Butil. Dr. Al envisions “That everyone through the medium of cyberspace can have an interactive exchange of ideas, tempered by humility, individual inadequacy and respect for each other's revelation given by none other than God himself.”
Second is Pastor Nollie Malabuyo, based in the Philippines but goes back and forth to the USA. He has a very active website that has reached its 10,000th visitor. www.twoagespilgrims.com/doctrine. Wow! He maintains two blogs. What is difficult with websites and blogs is that they are so hard to keep active and to maintain with original writings. Nollie is capable of doing it.
Nollie is a Master of Divinity graduate of Westminster Seminary, California, USA. He did Missionary Work for Wycliffe Bible Translators of Orlando, Florida from 1993 to 2008. He became Pastor Nollie when he was accepted after stringent requirements by the United Reformed Churches in North America and now is presently the Associate Pastor of Trinity United Reformed Church in Walnut Creek, California. His formal title is Associate Minister of the Word and Sacrament.
He pushes for Reformed Theology and I sometimes agree and sometimes disagree with him right in his website. But we agree on and will defend the original Unida doctrine where he and I were born and reared. His father was Rev. Ruben B. Malabuyo, Sr. who was pastor of Unida Central Church in 1963-1976. He is married to Evelyn and their children are Tim, Lem, Oliver, and Rachel.
Before his seminary education, Nollie graduated from the University of the Philippines with the degree of B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 1973. We do not often see each other personally but we always meet in cyberspace precisely because the “Unida Church goes to the World.”
Nollie presently teaches at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the Mars Hill Study Center.
Thirdly, Rev. Gene Filio, Associate Pastor of the First Filipino Baptist Church of Los Angeles and graduate of Asian Theological Serminary, with his http://gene-lamppost.blogspot.com. He is the son of Bishop Eugenio B. Filio, Jr. and the grandson of the late Bishop Eugenio R. Filio, Sr. Together with Senior Pastor Ed Maliksi, their US-based church had given cash and gifts for Unida Pastors, Deaconesses, and scholars for three consecutive years during our stint as General Evangelist. We were in touch and coordinated through the internet.
Fourthly, my son Laurence Christian is into the study of Greek, English and Filipino grammar in order to better understand his favorite verses. He then posts the results of his studies at http://ekpotamou.wordpress.com. You are all welcome to visit and agree or disagree with him. Although he has a busy work schedule he is trying to acquire a Master of Divinity degree. His mother Lucy is praying he does.
And lastly, Baclaran Unida Evangelical Church has http://bagongunida.blogspot.com and has a channel at www.youtube.com/PastorGalying. We will not discuss this because it will be tantamount to blowing my own horn, so we will just invite you to visit and view our Christian Telenovela. If GMA-7 has “Asero” and ABS-CBN has “Betty La Fea”, our Unida Kaisa TV has “Ang APAT” at its youtube channel and bagongunida blog.
How much more extensive can we go? Just imagine if all Unida Internet Travellers and Unida congregations converge and link at cyberspace, how extensive that can be. KAISANG UNIDA, HAYO NA!
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