We have posted our drama done in our church. But now we start to post the "Ang APAT" Telenovela as we have shoot it the way it is done on TV. This is our very own. Enjoy! The concluding FINALE will be posted later. When downloaded and processed on youtube, the resolution suffers a bit. But our DVD copies are crystal clear and of good quality. When we have shoot the concluding part, we will come up with the DVD copies.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tonight we play the FINALE EPISODE of our Telenovela “Ang APAT” in a live drama at Baclaran Unida Church.
The episodes started last August and became the centerpoint of our sermons two Sundays of every month culminating on December 24th.
The presentation tonight will be two parts – One part video and the last part is a live drama.
If you are in the vicinity of 1139 Unida St., Baclaran, Paranaque City, please join us and be a part of our celebration.
The episodes started last August and became the centerpoint of our sermons two Sundays of every month culminating on December 24th.
The presentation tonight will be two parts – One part video and the last part is a live drama.
If you are in the vicinity of 1139 Unida St., Baclaran, Paranaque City, please join us and be a part of our celebration.
Friday, December 12, 2008
We live in a jaded world. We use to celebrate Christmas with much more ardor. But now the ardor has gone. Yes, by December there are so many activities and to-do’s but most of them are downright commercial and eerily superficial. What is missing is the meaning of Christmas.
I grew up in a fishing village that was Baclaran when people were so few that everybody knew each other by name, pet-name, or teasing-name like talakitok, kandule, patola, or dat-dat. And oh how they celebrate Christmas!
My generation and the generation before me ANTICIPATED Christmas. As soon as the “ber” months began the simple people of Baclaran girded for the big event in December. Christmas carols were already heard and people were more “mabait” to each other than usual. It was a three-month anticipation plus a month-long celebration.
But now we have become so jaded that we have reduced it to a week-long celebration plus a month-long commercial anticipation. What an insult to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings whose birthday we are waiting to celebrate.
And please pray tell me one thing: why is it that we, Christians, celebrate Christmas in full worship services on the eve or the night before the birth of the Son of God? And does not worship or celebrate on the day of His birth?
I find it a blessing that I grew up in a Church that offers Thanksgiving Worship to God on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas Day. At Baclaran Unida Church we worship on December 25.
Friday, December 05, 2008
"Ang APAT" in DVD
Here is a sampler! We have started to re-shoot our Telenovela so that we can come in DVD Format. Better quality and better clarity!
We have so far posted at youtube our Telenovela as dramatized in our church. But now we have started to do it like GMA-7 and ABS-CBN. For this Lance and Nikki bought a high-end digital video camera and with their expertise we can come out with a product comparable to others.
We are also excited to announce that the FINALE EPISODE of “Ang APAT” will be dramatized at Baclaran Unida Church on Christmas Eve, December 24th at 7pm. So if you are in the vicinity of 1139 Unida St., Baclaran, Paranaque City on that night please drop by. But come early because the church will be overflowing on Christmas Eve. The temple is fully air-conditioned.
On Christmas Day, December 25, we have a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY WORSHIP starting at 10am.
We have so far posted at youtube our Telenovela as dramatized in our church. But now we have started to do it like GMA-7 and ABS-CBN. For this Lance and Nikki bought a high-end digital video camera and with their expertise we can come out with a product comparable to others.
We are also excited to announce that the FINALE EPISODE of “Ang APAT” will be dramatized at Baclaran Unida Church on Christmas Eve, December 24th at 7pm. So if you are in the vicinity of 1139 Unida St., Baclaran, Paranaque City on that night please drop by. But come early because the church will be overflowing on Christmas Eve. The temple is fully air-conditioned.
On Christmas Day, December 25, we have a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY WORSHIP starting at 10am.
Sunday, November 16, 2008

This week, let us meditate on the dynamics of the Information Highway and the role of the Christian Church, specifically Unida, there. But first we must understand it before we can travel through it.
The Bibles says: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14
There was a time in my younger years as a pastor when I was unable to fathom how this “preaching in all the world and witnessing unto all nations” can be accomplished. I have ceased to wonder. Advances in communication technology and what is now called “Information Highway” have proffered a pathway. The gate is now open for the fastest dissemination of information “in all the world” and “unto all the world” but not only of the gospel but of those opposing it and of those trying to bring down the Church of Christ. How fast? At the flick of a finger. Or in Biblical term “in the twinkling of an eye.” “isang kurap!” That’s how fast your message reaches the world.
The dynamics of this field is this: anybody can enter in and post his message and vice versa anybody can challenge what you have written. So it takes not only the facility to post but also the courage of conviction to stand by and defend what you have written. And this is what makes it interactive and alive because internet travelers have the option of reading or deleting without even opening it. Just be sure that what you have written is defensible. The upside is that if nobody is able to put down what you have posted, it stands.This then is the battleground to fight for the ONLY WAY, ONLY TRUTH, AND ONLY LIFE.
The Unida Church is reaching the world right now, this very second, with the message of the “Saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” And for this, I admire several people in Unida Church who are taking advantage of the Information Highway by using it to preach and witness unto the world. If I mention some of them here, it is not because they are the only ones doing it, but only because they are the ones I know of and admire. There are others but I have not come across them yet. But when you respond to this meditation with names and sites, we can perhaps make a more complete and comprehensive list that we can link together. In the meantime permit me to begin. Here goes.
First is Heart Surgeon Dr. Aladin M. Mariano, based in Chicago, USA, with his Foundation for the Advancement of Christian Truth and Spirit at www.fact-s.net. He is my brother-in law and is the youngest son of a Unida Pastor, the late Rev. Laureano C. Mariano. He comments on my site and my GINTONG BUTIL. And his Biblical knowledge is extensive. You will see his comments sometimes agreeing but sometimes disagreeing with my Gintong Butil. Dr. Al envisions “That everyone through the medium of cyberspace can have an interactive exchange of ideas, tempered by humility, individual inadequacy and respect for each other's revelation given by none other than God himself.”
Second is Pastor Nollie Malabuyo, based in the Philippines but goes back and forth to the USA. He has a very active website that has reached its 10,000th visitor. www.twoagespilgrims.com/doctrine. Wow! He maintains two blogs. What is difficult with websites and blogs is that they are so hard to keep active and to maintain with original writings. Nollie is capable of doing it.
Nollie is a Master of Divinity graduate of Westminster Seminary, California, USA. He did Missionary Work for Wycliffe Bible Translators of Orlando, Florida from 1993 to 2008. He became Pastor Nollie when he was accepted after stringent requirements by the United Reformed Churches in North America and now is presently the Associate Pastor of Trinity United Reformed Church in Walnut Creek, California. His formal title is Associate Minister of the Word and Sacrament.
He pushes for Reformed Theology and I sometimes agree and sometimes disagree with him right in his website. But we agree on and will defend the original Unida doctrine where he and I were born and reared. His father was Rev. Ruben B. Malabuyo, Sr. who was pastor of Unida Central Church in 1963-1976. He is married to Evelyn and their children are Tim, Lem, Oliver, and Rachel.
Before his seminary education, Nollie graduated from the University of the Philippines with the degree of B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 1973. We do not often see each other personally but we always meet in cyberspace precisely because the “Unida Church goes to the World.”
Nollie presently teaches at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the Mars Hill Study Center.
Thirdly, Rev. Gene Filio, Associate Pastor of the First Filipino Baptist Church of Los Angeles and graduate of Asian Theological Serminary, with his http://gene-lamppost.blogspot.com. He is the son of Bishop Eugenio B. Filio, Jr. and the grandson of the late Bishop Eugenio R. Filio, Sr. Together with Senior Pastor Ed Maliksi, their US-based church had given cash and gifts for Unida Pastors, Deaconesses, and scholars for three consecutive years during our stint as General Evangelist. We were in touch and coordinated through the internet.
Fourthly, my son Laurence Christian is into the study of Greek, English and Filipino grammar in order to better understand his favorite verses. He then posts the results of his studies at http://ekpotamou.wordpress.com. You are all welcome to visit and agree or disagree with him. Although he has a busy work schedule he is trying to acquire a Master of Divinity degree. His mother Lucy is praying he does.
And lastly, Baclaran Unida Evangelical Church has http://bagongunida.blogspot.com and has a channel at www.youtube.com/PastorGalying. We will not discuss this because it will be tantamount to blowing my own horn, so we will just invite you to visit and view our Christian Telenovela. If GMA-7 has “Asero” and ABS-CBN has “Betty La Fea”, our Unida Kaisa TV has “Ang APAT” at its youtube channel and bagongunida blog.
How much more extensive can we go? Just imagine if all Unida Internet Travellers and Unida congregations converge and link at cyberspace, how extensive that can be. KAISANG UNIDA, HAYO NA!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The FINALE Episode of "Ang APAT" will be on Christmas Eve, December 24th at BACLARAN UNIDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH. Everyone is invited.
Meanwhile, here now for viewing is the Act Five.
Monday, October 13, 2008
"Ang APAT" - The Saga of Four Generations
We are so thrilled with this announcement: Today October 9th, in the year of our Lord 2008, The Baclaran Unida Multi-Media Arts for Christ (BUMAC) presents its first Christian Teledrama titled “Ang APAT.” The Saga of Four Generations. Now playing at www.youtube.com/PastorGalying and http://bagongunida.blogspot.com. No commercials.
It took a lot of doing inspite of lack of funds and equipments but God is with us all the way. The first video of Acts One & two is part video, part still pictures. We apologize for this, but we lacked equipment at first. But Acts Three & Four are fully in video, with English subtitles to boot. Each episode ends with a Sermon but we have not yet posted it except in Act four where there is a part of the sermon. There are still two Episodes in October and two Episodes in November, before the season-ending FINALE on the night of December 24 in an interactive and proactive Drama that will involve each and every member of the Church.
The response and viewership of our blogsite and youtube channel is awesome. I quote one commenter who said: “It is about time that the world knows about Unida Church.” Amen! We are committed to do this. We are late already but as our old saying goes: “Huli man daw at magaling ay naihahabol din.”
Our generation has been blessed with the means and opportunity to be seen and to be heard to the “uttermost part of the world.” Let us use this wisely and ward off those that are not of God. Please advise your Unida friends and acquaintances to enroll as an Unida Internet Traveller by sending an email to gbfilio@yahoo.com. This will also enable them to receive weekly meditations (GINTONG BUTIL) that we have written and intend to write and share.
We fervently hope that these will be a blessing to all of you.
It took a lot of doing inspite of lack of funds and equipments but God is with us all the way. The first video of Acts One & two is part video, part still pictures. We apologize for this, but we lacked equipment at first. But Acts Three & Four are fully in video, with English subtitles to boot. Each episode ends with a Sermon but we have not yet posted it except in Act four where there is a part of the sermon. There are still two Episodes in October and two Episodes in November, before the season-ending FINALE on the night of December 24 in an interactive and proactive Drama that will involve each and every member of the Church.
The response and viewership of our blogsite and youtube channel is awesome. I quote one commenter who said: “It is about time that the world knows about Unida Church.” Amen! We are committed to do this. We are late already but as our old saying goes: “Huli man daw at magaling ay naihahabol din.”
Our generation has been blessed with the means and opportunity to be seen and to be heard to the “uttermost part of the world.” Let us use this wisely and ward off those that are not of God. Please advise your Unida friends and acquaintances to enroll as an Unida Internet Traveller by sending an email to gbfilio@yahoo.com. This will also enable them to receive weekly meditations (GINTONG BUTIL) that we have written and intend to write and share.
We fervently hope that these will be a blessing to all of you.
Monday, September 29, 2008
YES, this is it. The fulfillment of a dream that was conceived 20 years ago. A CHRISTIAN Teledrama that is fully UNIDA. At last! “Ang APAT” A saga of four generations.
Next week, the first 4 segments of the drama will be posted at youtube and bagong unida. Each segment is part of my Sunday sermon and performed by the BACLARAN UNIDA MULTI-MEDIA ARTS FOR CHRIST August 10&17 and September 14&21. We are posting the preview tonight.
This is an innovative concept that has captured the imagination of the youth and young adults and of the whole congregation of Baclaran.
There are four more segments in October and November before the FINALE on December 24 that will feature an interactive and proactive event that will involve the whole congregation. The Holy Spirit is working!
http://bagongunida.blogspot.com and www.youtube.com/PastorGalying.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008

It’s done! We launched our video-drama ministry last August 17 with the drama series titled “ANG APAT” carrying the initial theme of FORGIVING. The church was overflowing and a week after the sermon a whole family listened and forgave each other. The whole congregation appreciated the innovative sermon and were blessed.
And to top it all, we have finally organized the BACLARAN UNIDA MULTI-MEDIA ARTS FOR CHRIST.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
The IGLESIA EVANGELICA UNIDA DE CRISTO or UNIDA CHURCH was born on January 3, 1932 but the seeds that gave birth to it were sown at the turn of the century. It was preceded by the birth pangs of an independent Filipino Nation and emboldened by the coming to the Philippines of Protestantism and consequently the right to read and own a BIBLE.
Protestantism entered when, after 350 years of “abuse, oppression, cruelty, and injustice”1 by Spanish Friars and of prohibition on owning and reading the Bible under pain of death or imprisonment, Spain ceded the Philippine Islands to the United States for twenty million dollars. As the bell of freedom rung throughout the islands. Protestant missionaries came in with lots of Bibles that people can own and read. The HOLY BIBLE was opened to the Filipino people and it was a time of joy and peace, and progress.
It was a breath of fresh air long awaited by the Filipinos. The Americans guaranteed religious freedom and the liberty to worship God without literally paying for it through the nose. “The peace-speaking guns of Admiral Dewey have opened the gates which henceforth make accessible not less than 8,000,000 of people who have for three hundred years been fettered.”2 Thus declared the statement of the Presbyterian General Assembly, in session at Winona Lake, Indiana, in 1898.
The United States established a Civil Government in the Philippines and “The Presbyterian Board felt that political and military relations into which the United states had been so strangely forced with reference to the Philippine Islands……involved certain moral and religious responsibilities…..and that Christian people of America should immediately consider the duty of entering the door which God in His providence was thus opening.”3
For this purpose they decided to transfer Rev. James B. Rodgers, who was stationed in Brazil, to the Philippines. Rev. and Mrs. James B. Rodgers arrived on April 21, 1899. And thus began the spread of Protestant Presbyterianism through him. There were five Protestant denominations in 1903 funded by their American Mission Boards. And through them, many congregations and churches were established
But the spirit of nationalism was awakened in the heart and soul of the Filipinos not only in their political life but more so in their worship of the one true God. Their eyes were opened that Salvation is not by good works and graven idols but by Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Indigenous Protestant Churches sprouted right and left, independently of each of other. They built chapels (kapilya) on their own and they existed without financial help from the Americans.
In his book “An Observer in the Philippines ” subtitled “Life in Our New Possessions”, published in 1903 by the American Tract Society, REV. JOHN BANCROFT DEVINS, D.D., Editor of “The New York Observer” wrote in page 265, “It is the belief of many that the Philippine Protestants will soon have not only self-supporting, but also self-propagating churches, and that men in training now will be willing to give a part or all of their time to the work of the ministry, depending upon their converts for support and the erection of churches.”4
And ultimately, the belief mentioned above winnowed only two groups that pursued to be self-supporting and indigenous. One of them is a church composed of six groups that bonded into One, IGLESIA EVANGELICA UNIDA DE CRISTO.
“In addition to three Manila congregations, there were three in Cavite Province, three in Laguna, and one in Pasig, in the province of Rizal. Regular services are also held in six other places and occasional ones in a number of other towns. There are six chapels constructed by the people, in addition to the large native church opened in Manila.”5
Those three churches in Cavite begun by Rev. Rodgers, specifically Bacoor, joined Iglesia Evangelica delos Cristianos Filipinos which together with Iglesia Trinitaria, Iglesia Reformada, and three smallers groups formed IGLESIA EVANGELICA UNIDA DE CRISTO. Rev. Devins narrated a visit with Rev. Rodgers in 1903 to Cavite Viejo and Bacoor in his book pages 282-287. And the old history of Bacoor Unida Church confirms this.

The years that followed saw a people, awakened by nationalism, seeking to be an Independent Nation. Consequently, Filipino Protestant Churches sought to be independent and self-supporting, giving birth to a number of indigenous churches whose converts support the pastors and erect their own churches. It was hard going for them as their pastors were given no compensation and instead gave to the church.
In 1930 a group of them came together at the instance of Don Toribio Teodoro, owner of a shoe factory named “Ang Tibay”, who is a Lay Leader of Iglesia Evangelica de los Cristianos Filipinos and known as “King of Slippers and Shoes”. This meeting was held on November 10, 1930 at 2200 Rizal Avenue, Manila and those who attended were Atty. Prudencio Remigio and the General Superintendents Pastor Gil Domingo of Iglesia Trinitaria, Pastor Moises Buzon of Iglesia Metodista Reformada, and Ob. Victoriano Mariano. After a repast prepared by Mrs. Maria de Jesus Teodoro, they secluded themselves in a room and each one prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide the proposed unification of their three churches.
After their prayers they discussed the proposal and each one consented with the proviso that they will consult their churches about the unification. The consensus in the three churches was for the unification of their indigenous churches.
(To be continued)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
IN 1932, six Filipino indigenous Churches bonded together to form ONE. And with humble Faith, they followed the example of the Disciples, in letting God choose the Name of the new Church. They did what they call Pelotilya, as the first disciples did when faced with the task of choosing the replacement of Judas - the christians drew lots from two people they have separated.
Our forefathers voted and separated three church names and after the prayer of the whole congregation they submitted them to God, and He chose the name IGLESIA EVANGELICA UNIDA DE CRISTO.
But they did not stop there, they also used pelotilya to choose the General Superintendent, General Secretary, General Treasurer, and General Evangelist of the Church. They voted 11 pastors to be members of the Board of Directors. Then they let God choose the Generales who will lead the church.
First the General Superintendent. They ranked the pastors according to the number of votes. The first three names were submitted to Pelotilya. In a straw hat they wrote the three names in three small pieces of paper and they rolled each one. In another straw hat they placed three rolled blank pieces of paper and a special one in which is written the words: “You are the one chosen by God.” It is possible and it had happened that three blanks will be drawn and no one is chosen, in which case the next three names in the ranking will be submitted to pelotilya until God chooses a name.
The process is repeated for General Secretary, General Treasurer, and General Evangelist.
It is our faith that God chose the name of our Church and also have chosen the leaders of the Church since 1932 up to the present.
Dear Unida Internet Travellers,
Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you are in this whole wide world.
The response and viewership of our blogsite and youtube channel is awesome. I quote one commenter who said: “It is about time that the world knows about Unida Church.” Amen! We are committed to do this. We are late already but as our old saying goes: “Huli man daw at magaling ay naihahabol din.”
We have started posting videos at youtube and blogsite. To start, we have 11 videos posts about UNIDA CHRISITAN MUSIC and UNIDA CHRISTIAN DANCE and we appreciate those that have already seen them. If you have not yet seen them yet, please do so now here and/or at youtube.
Yesterday, we started a new series about Unida, who we are, what we are yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We start with the spirit that moves Unida which is “KAISANG UNIDA”, which I freely translate to English as “THE POWER OF ONE.” We posted yesterday “The Power of One-1” to be followed today by “The Power of One-2”, to be followed by “Unida History- 1 up to 4. This would translate 17 total video posts. And much later I would like to produce a Christian Telenovela. The only limiting factor in all this is expense but I never let that deter me.
Jokingly, Pastor Masiglat told me that “Dinaramdam niya pero hindi siya puwedeng artista sa telenovela ko.” And I answered that: “Kailangan ko ng balbas-sarado kaya kukunin ko siya.” That is, when he gets home from Abu Dhabi.
And we have made our Bagong Unida Blog almost like a real website but more interactive. More than the videos, we have written articles, commentaries and news from around Unida and the world that you can share with others like the videos. We are now broadcasting from Baclaran Unida Church where I am now the Administrative Pastor. And one day in the future, we will produce a Christian Telenovela that we will broadcast from our blog and youtube channel.
Sharing of the gospel now is more encompassing and worldwide, as I now beg you to forward this news to others so that they too may play our videos and read our articles, commentaries and news and be blessed by them. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;”
If possible, can you share with me some email addresses to whom I can also send refreshers like this? Our links are: http://bagongunida.blogspot.com and www.youtube.com/PastorGalying.
Because Christ lives,
Pastor Galying
In May 20,2007 the Unida Church celebrated 75 years at The Forum of the Philippine International Convention Center. Let us now go down memory lane in the history of the church.
The men's and women's organizations were part of the growth and history of the church.
It is now the turn of the Youth and the Choir to narrate their part in the history of the church.
The Sunday School and Body of Ministers also took part in the growth and life of the church.
It is now time to be ONE. Together, we rise up a united church. With one body, one spirit, one hope and one Lord, we will lift up this land for God alone. KAISANG UNIDA! LET US GO FORTH! THE POWER OF ONE!
At the Unida 75th Anniversary, contemporary songs were sung as gospels.
IN 1932, six Filipino indigenous Churches bonded together to form ONE. And with humble Faith, they followed the example of the Disciples, in letting God choose the Name of the new Church. They did what they call Pelotilya, as the first disciples did when faced with the task of choosing the replacement of Judas - the christians drew lots from two people they have separated.
Our forefathers voted and separated three church names and after the prayer of the whole congregation they submitted them to God, and He chose the name IGLESIA EVANGELICA UNIDA DE CRISTO.
But they did not stop there, they also used pelotilya to choose the General Superintendent, General Secretary, General Treasurer, and General Evangelist of the Church. They voted 11 pastors to be members of the Board of Directors. Then they let God choose the Generales who will lead the church.
First the General Superintendent. They ranked the pastors according to the number of votes. The first three names were submitted to Pelotilya. In a straw hat they wrote the three names in three small pieces of paper and they rolled each one. In another straw hat they placed three rolled blank pieces of paper and a special one in which is written the words: “You are the one chosen by God.” It is possible and it had happened that three blanks will be drawn and no one is chosen, in which case the next three names in the ranking will be submitted to pelotilya until God chooses a name.
The process is repeated for General Secretary, General Treasurer, and General Evangelist.
It is our faith that God chose the name of our Church and also have chosen the leaders of the Church since 1932 up to the present.
Dear Unida Internet Travellers,
Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you are in this whole wide world.
The response and viewership of our blogsite and youtube channel is awesome. I quote one commenter who said: “It is about time that the world knows about Unida Church.” Amen! We are committed to do this. We are late already but as our old saying goes: “Huli man daw at magaling ay naihahabol din.”
We have started posting videos at youtube and blogsite. To start, we have 11 videos posts about UNIDA CHRISITAN MUSIC and UNIDA CHRISTIAN DANCE and we appreciate those that have already seen them. If you have not yet seen them yet, please do so now here and/or at youtube.
Yesterday, we started a new series about Unida, who we are, what we are yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We start with the spirit that moves Unida which is “KAISANG UNIDA”, which I freely translate to English as “THE POWER OF ONE.” We posted yesterday “The Power of One-1” to be followed today by “The Power of One-2”, to be followed by “Unida History- 1 up to 4. This would translate 17 total video posts. And much later I would like to produce a Christian Telenovela. The only limiting factor in all this is expense but I never let that deter me.
Jokingly, Pastor Masiglat told me that “Dinaramdam niya pero hindi siya puwedeng artista sa telenovela ko.” And I answered that: “Kailangan ko ng balbas-sarado kaya kukunin ko siya.” That is, when he gets home from Abu Dhabi.
And we have made our Bagong Unida Blog almost like a real website but more interactive. More than the videos, we have written articles, commentaries and news from around Unida and the world that you can share with others like the videos. We are now broadcasting from Baclaran Unida Church where I am now the Administrative Pastor. And one day in the future, we will produce a Christian Telenovela that we will broadcast from our blog and youtube channel.
Sharing of the gospel now is more encompassing and worldwide, as I now beg you to forward this news to others so that they too may play our videos and read our articles, commentaries and news and be blessed by them. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;”
If possible, can you share with me some email addresses to whom I can also send refreshers like this? Our links are: http://bagongunida.blogspot.com and www.youtube.com/PastorGalying.
Because Christ lives,
Pastor Galying
In May 20,2007 the Unida Church celebrated 75 years at The Forum of the Philippine International Convention Center. Let us now go down memory lane in the history of the church.
The men's and women's organizations were part of the growth and history of the church.
It is now the turn of the Youth and the Choir to narrate their part in the history of the church.
The Sunday School and Body of Ministers also took part in the growth and life of the church.
It is now time to be ONE. Together, we rise up a united church. With one body, one spirit, one hope and one Lord, we will lift up this land for God alone. KAISANG UNIDA! LET US GO FORTH! THE POWER OF ONE!
At the Unida 75th Anniversary, contemporary songs were sung as gospels.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Music, Songs, Dances, and Electronic Musical Instruments have taken center stage in Christian Celebrations and yes, even worships.
In its celebration of the church’s 73rd Anniversary at Cuneta Astrodome in 2005 and the 75th Anniversary at the Forum of the Philippine International Convention Center in 2007, we took videos of the songs and dances as performed by Unida Talents using modern technology. All for God alone!
We are now broadcasting these videos of Unida Christian Music and Unida Christian Dance in our channel at YouTube and in our Bagong Unida Blog. The links are:
What was an unreachable dream in the 1950’s when I was a boy I can now reach with my laptop and the world is just a keyboard away. Imagine YouTube telling me to: “Share your video with the world!” “Allow others to rate your video” “Allow others to embed and play my video” Wow!
And we have made our Bagong Unida Blog almost like a real website, but more interactive. More than the videos, we have written articles, commentaries and news from around Unida and the world that you can share with others like the videos. We are now broadcasting from Baclaran Unida Church where I am now the Administrative Pastor. And one day in the future, we will produce a Christian Telenovela that we will broadcast from our blog.
Sharing of the gospel now is more encompassing and worldwide, as I now beg you to forward this news to others so that they too may play our videos and read our articles, commentaries and news and be blessed by them. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;”
Old Hymns and Anthems sung by the “Creatives” composed of Gigi, Grace, Lady, Nikki, Ben, Rainier, Jonjon & Genesis. Click Video.
Rachelle R. Gerodias, our International Soprano performing a cover of “Light of a Million Mornings”. Click Video.
Unida Dancers performing at the Unida75th Anniversary at the Forum of PICC in 2007. Click Video.
Jun Penaverde and Rachelle Gerodias singing “The Prayer”. Click Video.
Gospel songs sung by Koro ng Unida composed of Mahjeeh, Ethel, Ninet, Rachel, Andrew, Ecoy, Rainier, & Alan. Click Video.
Unida Youth sings about reminishing their Sunday School & DVCS. Click Video.
Nylah Bautista singing “Shine” at the Unida 73rd Anniversary 2005 at Cuneta Astrodome. Click Video.
Unida Youth tries the modern boys dance. Click video.
Sunday School Children put on their dancing shows. Click Video.
In its celebration of the church’s 73rd Anniversary at Cuneta Astrodome in 2005 and the 75th Anniversary at the Forum of the Philippine International Convention Center in 2007, we took videos of the songs and dances as performed by Unida Talents using modern technology. All for God alone!
We are now broadcasting these videos of Unida Christian Music and Unida Christian Dance in our channel at YouTube and in our Bagong Unida Blog. The links are:
What was an unreachable dream in the 1950’s when I was a boy I can now reach with my laptop and the world is just a keyboard away. Imagine YouTube telling me to: “Share your video with the world!” “Allow others to rate your video” “Allow others to embed and play my video” Wow!
And we have made our Bagong Unida Blog almost like a real website, but more interactive. More than the videos, we have written articles, commentaries and news from around Unida and the world that you can share with others like the videos. We are now broadcasting from Baclaran Unida Church where I am now the Administrative Pastor. And one day in the future, we will produce a Christian Telenovela that we will broadcast from our blog.
Sharing of the gospel now is more encompassing and worldwide, as I now beg you to forward this news to others so that they too may play our videos and read our articles, commentaries and news and be blessed by them. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;”
Old Hymns and Anthems sung by the “Creatives” composed of Gigi, Grace, Lady, Nikki, Ben, Rainier, Jonjon & Genesis. Click Video.
Rachelle R. Gerodias, our International Soprano performing a cover of “Light of a Million Mornings”. Click Video.
Unida Dancers performing at the Unida75th Anniversary at the Forum of PICC in 2007. Click Video.
Jun Penaverde and Rachelle Gerodias singing “The Prayer”. Click Video.
Gospel songs sung by Koro ng Unida composed of Mahjeeh, Ethel, Ninet, Rachel, Andrew, Ecoy, Rainier, & Alan. Click Video.
Unida Youth sings about reminishing their Sunday School & DVCS. Click Video.
Nylah Bautista singing “Shine” at the Unida 73rd Anniversary 2005 at Cuneta Astrodome. Click Video.
Unida Youth tries the modern boys dance. Click video.
Sunday School Children put on their dancing shows. Click Video.
Monday, June 16, 2008

IN 1932, six Filipino indigenous Churches bonded together to form ONE. And with humble Faith, they followed the example of the Disciples, in letting God choose the Name of the new Church. They did what they call Pelotilya, as the first disciples did when faced with the task of choosing the replacement of Judas - the christians drew lots from two people they have separated.
Our forefathers voted and separated three church names and after the prayer of the whole congregation they submitted them to God, and He chose the name IGLESIA EVANGELICA UNIDA DE CRISTO. But they did not stop there, they also used pelotilya to choose the General Superintendent, General Secretary, General Treasurer, and General Evangelist of the Church. They voted 11 pastors to be members of the Board of Directors. Then they let God choose the Generales who will lead the church.
First the General Superintendent. They ranked the pastors according to the number of votes. The first three names were submitted to Pelotilya. In a straw hat they wrote the three names in three small pieces of paper and they rolled each one. In another straw hat they placed three rolled blank pieces of paper and a special one in which is written the words: “You are the one chosen by God.” It is possible and it had happened that three blanks will be drawn and no one is chosen, in which case the next three names in the ranking will be submitted to pelotilya until God chooses a name. The process is repeated for General Secretary, General Treasurer, and General Evangelist.
It is our faith that God chose the name of our Church and also have chosen the leaders of the Church since 1932 up to the present.
BACLARAN UNIDA CHURCH is one of the original congregations of the churches that became ONE. And since then, it has contributed five bishops to the leadership of the church. Only those chosen by God to be General Superintendent can become a Bishop. And BUC to-date has five of them.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

IN A FULLY TRANSFORMED CHURCH, EVERY MEMBER IS A GOSPEL BRINGER. Someone who tells someone else about JESUS. Someone who is in this world but not of this world.
Spiritual Transformation should happen in each and every member of the church, Not only for a few but rather it should be church-wide. There must be a church rebirth and renewal as the members shed, either inwardly or in appearance, the values, ideals, and behavior of a fallen world and undergo a radical change in inner character, condition, or nature.
The church must be transformed into something else: A lighthouse in the middle of a sin-darkened community. It must not only glow but should overflow with the FIRELIGHT of the Holy Spirit.
Seven decades ago, Baclaran was a barrio in the true sense of the word. In the early evenings, as the sweet scent of Dama de Noche permeates the surrounding, fireflies (alitaptap) abound. As youngsters, we use to gather them in a clear-glass “garapon” (a wide mouthed bottle) and marveled as they light up the place when we have gathered a big number of them inside.
Imagine, for a moment, the newly air-conditioned temple of Baclaran Unida Church, lighting up the whole community with the firelights of every transformed member worshipping the One True God – JESUS! A gathering of Christian Fireflies. Wow!
The temple then will be like a LIGHTHOUSE in the shore of a turbulent ocean, where those who are seeking God can come to become Firelights of the Holy Spirit.
IKAW! SI JESUS! AT AKO! KAISA! LET’S GO! (Click videos 1&2)
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
TELEVISION IS A POWERFUL MEDIUM. An instrument of communication that can be used for good or bad.
People, including even Christians, are hooked on Tele-Dramas, which competes with prayer meetings, Bible Studies and other church activities. This is unfortunate but sadly true. While Christian programs proliferate television today, telenovelas dominate primetime TV. It is our dream that someday we will have Christian Telenovelas on primetime TV and Church activities.
Here is a video-look of this titled UNIDA KAISA TV:
Now here is video look at a promo for a Christian Telenovela:
Now a video look at the implementation of a video & live drama titled "Ang APAT"
People, including even Christians, are hooked on Tele-Dramas, which competes with prayer meetings, Bible Studies and other church activities. This is unfortunate but sadly true. While Christian programs proliferate television today, telenovelas dominate primetime TV. It is our dream that someday we will have Christian Telenovelas on primetime TV and Church activities.
Here is a video-look of this titled UNIDA KAISA TV:
Now here is video look at a promo for a Christian Telenovela:
Now a video look at the implementation of a video & live drama titled "Ang APAT"
Monday, June 02, 2008

It was an auspicious start for their vision of SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION by Church Rebirth & Renewal. This was the result of the Church’s Person-to-Person Sharing of the Gospel and the Bible Study for new believers led by Sister Lucy Filio at the Pastor’s House every Tuesday.
Spiritual Transformation is the one-year goal of the Baclaran Unida Church. This will be church-wide and will embrace every activity of the church and will culminate at the Church Camp at year-end.
By camp-time, it is expected that each and every member, child & adult alike, will have transformed into a “new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
The battlecry of the church is SIKSIK 76!
View a video of this below:
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
By Rev. Gamaliel B. Filio
PEOPLE measure our God using us as their yardstick. To them, our God is only as great and as powerful as the things we have achieved in His Name and what we dare to do for His Kingdom. And, of course, comparable to the challenges we throw at ourselves in serving Him. If we are mediocre, what else will they call our God.
Elijah showed how powerful his God is in a prayer face-off with the pagan god worshippers. Yahweh won because the prophet dared to pray for fire to consume his water-logged and water-surrounded offering. Yahweh incinerated the offering with fire from heaven. Are we as worthy of our God as Elijah?
Small ideas are products of small faith. But big and extra-ordinary things and projects, those that other people categorize as impossible, are products of a GREAT FAITH in a GREAT GOD.
The borders of a church are traditions, territory, and a mindset of how to do and achieve things.
Expanding borders therefore means to get out and operate outside the confines of these three.
When one increases his numbers within his territory, he has not expanded his borders. If one follows only traditions and a mindset, he is not expanding but shrinking.
We were 80 worshippers when we first came to Baclaran Unida Church. We have doubled that number and even reached our target of 215 Sunday Worshippers. However, in doing this we have not expanded yet. But when years ago, Baclaran helped establish a church in Calapan City, Mindoro Oriental, that is going out of its territory and therefore expanding its borders.
When we do things just because that’s the way it’s been done for many years without considering what the world around us has become, that is a trap that we must get out of. If we use modern communications and new technologies to bring the message of the Gospel to people within and outside our territory then indeed we are expanding into the Virtual World.
The Administrative Territorial Zones of Baclaran Unida Church covers Barangay Baclaran, a part of Sucat and a part of Las Pinas City & Abroad.
The coverage are as follows:
Efeso: From Roxas Boulevard passing through L. Gabriel up to Mactan Street.
Corinto: From after Mactan up to Lt. Garcia Street.
Tesalonica: From after Lt. Garcia up to Unida Street.
Antioch: From after Unida up to Lapu-Lapu including our Church
Galacia: From after Lapu-Lapu passing thru G.G. Cruz up to Quirino
Filipos: Sitio Maligaya and Don Carlos
Colosas: Sucat, Las Pinas and Abroad
Expanding means working outside of these territory and experimenting on doing things beyond tradition and mindset.
Traditionally, the Unida Church holds its Anniversary worship at its temple in Unida Christian Center, Silang, Cavite. The place is now too small for such a big event attended by all Unida congregations. But in 2005 and 2007 this was done before the public and the nation at CUNETA ASTRODOME AND PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER (PICC FORUM).
Next year, The IEMILIF Church will reach 100 years and will hold its Anniversary Worship at SMX near Mall of Asia (MOA). The place holds 10,000 people and rents at Php500,000.00 or half a million pesos.
It is our personal prayer that some day in the future the Unida Church will also hold its Anniversary Worship & Concert there.
Because the God that we serve is not a lesser God but the GREATEST GOD! “Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly He was above them.” Exodus 18:11.
People regard and believe in many gods and lords. But this does not mean that they are really what they call them. For absolutely no one can compare to our God. “Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” Exodus 5:11.
We repeat, our GOD is MAJESTIC in HOLINESS, AWESOME in GLORY, and in WORKING WONDERS. If we are shy in our efforts, limited in our initiatives, hampered by lack of finances, stagnant and immobile, then perhaps we can be called children of a lesser God.
But NO! We have a GREAT GOD who can make the impossible possible, and give us the strength ad the wisdom to surmount the insurmountable, and climb the highest mountain.
It is inconceivable that the Church of God will lack finances, “Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD’s thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is.” Deuteronomy 10:17. God will provide the great, big finances but great big finances carries with it the responsibility to do the impossible, to surmount the insurmountable, and to reach the greatest heights that men can see like a candle on top of the mountain.
Are we then children of the GREATEST GOD? YES, WE ARE. So, let us start doing like we really are.
Let us achieve great and powerful things in His Name. Begin to dare doing what has never done before and challenge ourselves far beyond even our own imagination. Let us aspire to demonstrate and show the whole world the real and true worth of Yahweh.
Then they will know by looking at us and knowing of us that “There is only One God, there is only One Lord, there is only One Saviour, there is only One Name given for our Salvation – JESUS. And they will know how great our God is, through us.”
Saturday, May 17, 2008
IGLESIA EVANGELICA UNIDA DE CRISTO reaches 76th and on Sunday, May 18, 2008, will celebrate for the whole day at UNIDA CHRISTIAN CENTER located at the junction of Aguinaldo Highway that goes to Silang and Tagaytay City.
The worship service begins at 8:00 and will climax with the sending out of the Pastors and Church workers to their respective congregations and mission points. A Choir Festival follows right after lunch.
Our modern world awaits and the challenges of modern communication and technology offer vast opportunities to reach the unsaved with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us all come together as we forge our way towards expanding our borders and discipling our nation.
The worship service begins at 8:00 and will climax with the sending out of the Pastors and Church workers to their respective congregations and mission points. A Choir Festival follows right after lunch.
Our modern world awaits and the challenges of modern communication and technology offer vast opportunities to reach the unsaved with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us all come together as we forge our way towards expanding our borders and discipling our nation.
Saturday, May 10, 2008

SINGING is a God-given talent. It should be used primarily in worshipping and praising God.
On the secular stage, performances showcase a person’s singing talent. The focus is on the performer and the bravos are for him/her. The audience gush “Oh, what a voice, what a performance!”
Several nights ago, the American Idol finalists sang “Shout to the Lord!” They bombed. Why? Because they were all performing instead of praising God. They even started on the wrong foot by changing the lyrics of the song. Instead of singing “My Jesus, My Savior” in the first bar they sang “My Shepherd, My Savior.” They were so focused on their performance, they ignored the God they are singing about.
The Center of Worship is God. It is all about Him. Not the worshipper.
But the worshipper must give all that he has and the best that he has. Our times is blessed with the "best of so much", nay, not only the best but the fastest way of doing things that the first Christians and reformers did not have nor even dreamed could ever be possible.
Could they ever have imagined an instrument that can play like a Hammond organ at the flick of a finger, or be a violin, a trumpet, a piano, etc at the musicians whim? Or a stringed instrument like a guitar whose volume can be controlled from a whisper to the loudest sound. Or could they ever have imagined a MINUS ONE?
These are musical instruments that God has given our generation to use and CONTROL for the good of the church. Satan is using them to take hold of the world. We should not let IT win BY DEFAULT. By all means, let us use them. But let us be DISCRIMINATING AND HOLY when doing it. Let us always remember that worship is about God. Not about you performing but you PRAISING AND WORSHIPPING GOD.
Saturday, March 29, 2008

And the unvarnished Word of God is Jesus Christ who became Flesh and dwelled among us so that we can get a glimpse of God and in the process become worthy to be called a child of God, born not of flesh but of the Holy Spirit.
Children of God who in their spiritual act of worship will offer their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.
Music pervades today’s modern style of worship. They respect no liturgy at all and they claim worship is as the spirit moves them. Their Music borders on rock if not out and out rock music. And of course, they dance as worshippers had never danced before. Yes, out and out dance.
I believe in creativity and relevance in worship. Worship should not be done redundantly but in different ways while retaining the liturgy that the Bible say should be included in it. A balance must be found between the old and the new without forgetting that worship is an spiritual act. (Romans 12)
Below is a chapter of a book I have written that deals with how I feel about modern worship.
Tsapter Tri
“Kung mangarap ka’t magising…”
MULA sa pagkaidlip ay napamulagat ako. Saan ako naroon? Anong araw ngayon? Anong oras na? Umaga, tanghali, o gabi? Sa loob ng maraming sandali nangapa ako sa mga sulok ng utak ko. Kinakabahan ako. Ba’t wala akong maalala? Bigla, lumilanga-linga ako. Nasaan ang librong “The Story of Rip Van Winkle” na binabasa ko? Wala! At nuon ko napansin ang kapaligiran ko. Hindi ko kilala ang mga furnitures at appliances na nakikita ko. Hindi ko bahay ito. O, hindi nga ba!?
Ano ito? Sulat. “Daddy,” ang nabasa ko, “nasa kapilya na kami.” Pero hindi iyon ang tumawag ng pansin ko, kundi ang petsa. Dec. 25, 2018. Teka, teka, ang alam ko, ang kasalukuyang taon ay 2008 pa lang. Huwag mong sabihing….
Marahas kong binuksan ang pinto at lumabas. Lalong lumalim ang pagtataka. Iba na ang lahat. Ibang-iba ang paligid. Bumalik ako sa loob. Nag-isip. Bumalik ang tingin sa sulat.
Pagkatapos ay binuksan ko ang pinto at tumingin sa labas. Lumabas at mabilis na lumakad. Ang kapilya, nasaan ang kapilya? Dito lang ‘yun. Dito lang, Ahhhhh ayun!
Malayo pa ay dinig ko na ang masayang awitan. Ang electric guitar, drums, keyboard at iba pang instrumentong kumakalansing! Kumakalansing?! Nagmadali ako.
Bumulaga sa akin ang buong kongregasyon na nag-aawitan, nagsasayawan. Masaya. Bigay na bigay ang pag-awit at bigay na bigay ang pagsasayaw. Ibang sayaw, o iba nga ba? Pareho din pero….pero, iba ang indayog. Iba ang dating. Iba ang ibig sabihin? Praise & Worship? Biglang rumagasa ang kaba sa dibdib ko. Iba na ang gawaing ito, isang hakbang na higit sa inisip ko. Dios ko! Ako, ang nagdala, nagpasok ng gawaing ito sa kapilyang ito. Ako! Ganito ba katindi ang intensiyon ko?
Tumignin ako sa paligid. Wala akong makitang kakilala. Hindi ko makita ang pamilya ko. Nasaan sila sa gitna ang nag-iindayugang mga katawan sa harap ko?
Nag-iba ang tugtog ng banda. Tugtog na nagbababala na mayroong darating. Sa kanang bahagi ng stage lumabas ang isang lalaki. Puting-puting ang suot. Nagsasayaw, umaawit. Pumapagitna habang umiindak sa saliw ng tugtog at awit. At nagsimulang magsalita, mangaral sa ritmo ng tugtog. Ang tinig ay nanunuot, tumatawag ng damdamin. Ang lahat ng mata ay tumutok sa kaniya. Umugong ang paligid. May tumili. At naghari ang sigaw ng pagpupuri! Pagpupuri? Kangino?
Bigla nag-iba ang pagsasalita, kangina nauunawaan ko. Ngayon gibberish ang salita. Paulit-ulit. Sumunod ang mga tao. Sabay-sabay. Umugong. Mga salitang hindi ko maunawaan. Dios ko, ako lang ba sa lipunpung ito ang hindi nakakaintindi sa ugong na ito?
Isa-isang naglapitan ang mga tao sa lalaking nagsasalita ng hindi ko maintindihan. Naghihiyawan. Naghahalakhakan. Walang patumanggang awitan, tugtugan at sayawan at halakhakan! Pagpupuri? Kangino? Isa-isang dinunggol sila sa nuo ng nakabukas na palad ng nakaputing lalaki. Isa-isa paatras silang bumagsak. At sa tuwing may bumabagsak lumalakas ang hiyawan, lalong tumtindi ang awitan laluna ang sayawan. Sino ang pinupuri, hindi ko makita. Ako lang kaya ang hindi nakakakita?
Sumigaw ako ng malakas. Nguni’t hindi ko narinig ang sarili ko. Nalunod ito ng lalong lumakas pang ugong ng kawan sa harap ko.
Hindi na ako nakatiis. Mabilis akong lumabas, nakatakip ang dalawang kamay sa ulo. Sa labas, tumakbo akong walang direksiyon. Nang biglang nanuot ang tinig ng isang dalagita.
“Lolo! Lolo!” Hindi ko agad nakilala ang mukha ng dalagita na nakalabas ang ulo sa isang bagong modelong kotse na minamaneho. Pero saglit lang, kagyat namukhaan ko. Si Bebel, dalagita na ang apo ko? “Lolo, hinihintay ka na namin sa Grand Unida Temple.”
Sumakay ako at nakita kong ibang lugar ang pinupuntahan namin.
Pagpasok ko, nanduoon silang lahat. Ang buong pamilya ko at ang mga mukhang pamilyar sa akin. Umaawit ang kapulungan. “Patnugot Ko Ay Si Jesus.” Ang paborito kong Himno. Inaawit ng masaya. Hinugot ko sa dibdib ang isang malalim na buntung-hininga.
Nuon ako nagising. At natuwa. Kilala ko ang paligid. Tiningnan ko ang kalendaryo, 2008. Ayos!
Ano ang ibig sabihin ng panaginip. Tumayo ako at pumikit. At sa aking balintataw ay nakito ko ang Unida, ang aking iglesia, sa harap ng isang magkasanggang sanga. Sa kaliwa ang pagbabago at sa kanan ang babala ng pananatili. Quo Vadis? Saan dapat magtungo?
Friday, March 21, 2008

THE whole Baclaran Unida Evangelical is on a Church Camp. It began on Holy Thursday with 110 members in attendance, a record of sorts for a special event, continue on to Fasting on God's Friday, and CELEBRATION on Easter Sunday.
With the Holy Spirit in-dwelling in them, the camp began with a spirit-filled group dynamics that brought all of them to Tomas Claudio where historically the church began and bringing some of them to as far-off as the Mall of Asia. And then the Bible Study entitled: "Finding the Power Within You." The camp continues on God's Friday capped by THE SEVEN LAST WORDS AND COVENANT TIME. Easter Sunday will be a Celebration ala-American Idol titled "ANG GALING MO 'TOL."
Saturday, February 23, 2008
WHAT is Spiritual Renaissance? It refers to the dawning-in of the LIGHT of knowledge of things SPIRITUAL. Darkness is the cessation of learning, a period in the history of mankind when knowledge halted and was at a standstill. Renaissance is when light entered in and knowledge flourished in arts, science, and more importantly in hearing and heeding God’s words.
The church should be at the forefront of this Spiritual Renaissance. God’s command is clear: GATHER, HEAR, LEARN, AND THE FEAR THE LORD.
Deut 31:12-13 GATHER the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within the temple gates, that they may HEAR, and that they may LEARN, and FEAR the LORD your God, and observe to do all the words of this law: And that their children, which have not known any thing, may hear, and learn to fear the LORD your God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.
On Maundy Thursday, Holy Friday, and Easter Sunday, Baclaran Unida Evangelical Church will launch a SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE by the whole membership of the church. This is a spiritual voyage that will bond together all the members in fasting, hearing the call of God, learning from His Scriptures and fearing God.
All of us will board the PAMANDAWAN NG KALIGTASAN (Ark of Salvation) for a COMMON EXPERIENCE OF COMMUNING WITH GOD the whole day of March 20 and the whole day of March 21, with a culminating Worship on Easter Sunday.
The Challenge is: Can we leave the world where we live and LIVE WITH GOD for three days? Are we up to the challenge. Men, women, and children?
WHAT is Spiritual Renaissance? It refers to the dawning-in of the LIGHT of knowledge of things SPIRITUAL. Darkness is the cessation of learning, a period in the history of mankind when knowledge halted and was at a standstill. Renaissance is when light entered in and knowledge flourished in arts, science, and more importantly in hearing and heeding God’s words.
The church should be at the forefront of this Spiritual Renaissance. God’s command is clear: GATHER, HEAR, LEARN, AND THE FEAR THE LORD.
Deut 31:12-13 GATHER the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within the temple gates, that they may HEAR, and that they may LEARN, and FEAR the LORD your God, and observe to do all the words of this law: And that their children, which have not known any thing, may hear, and learn to fear the LORD your God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.
On Maundy Thursday, Holy Friday, and Easter Sunday, Baclaran Unida Evangelical Church will launch a SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE by the whole membership of the church. This is a spiritual voyage that will bond together all the members in fasting, hearing the call of God, learning from His Scriptures and fearing God.
All of us will board the PAMANDAWAN NG KALIGTASAN (Ark of Salvation) for a COMMON EXPERIENCE OF COMMUNING WITH GOD the whole day of March 20 and the whole day of March 21, with a culminating Worship on Easter Sunday.
The Challenge is: Can we leave the world where we live and LIVE WITH GOD for three days? Are we up to the challenge. Men, women, and children?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
WORSHIP is an often discussed subject and many books have been written telling us what it is suppose to be. In this discussion, I stop merely accepting what other people say it is and begin saying what I feel it is. Worship for me is personal and therefore concerns what I can feel about my God. For a while, I will refrain from quoting verses to avoid circular logic but rather refer directly to my personal relationship with God. Deep in my heart, this is the meaning of worship.
“YOU, feeling God and acknowledging His reign in you. GOD, feeling you and declaring His Kingship of you.”
FEELING GOD, means accepting His presence and existence. Is there a God? Yes, there is a God who must be without beginning and no end. An Eternal God who created the universe and began Man’s time and entered into it by creating man in His own image.
This feeling begins with you and connects you to God and should never be severed. This is what faith is, never cutting your connection with God no matter what happens in your life.
Why can’t this feeling end? Because when God created you, He not only created you in His own image but made you a LIVING SOUL by breathing into you His SPIRIT. There is a part of God in you so your feeling of Him should never end. Rather, could never end, because whether you are aware of Him or not He is in you.
ACKNOWLEDGING HIS REIGN, means accepting that He rules your life. It is not you who lives but He who lives in you. When you pray, when you enter His temple and His presence, it is not any purpose that drives you but rather the Holy Spirit that powers you to overcome all things and achieve great things for Him. You were created so that God can overcome this world through you. He has no other way but you. Accepting this and His will for you is worship.
GOD FEELING YOU, means He rejoices that you have come to worship Him. He welcomes you to His flock within His Church where He is at door. He says come so that He can feel your presence.
DECLARING HIS KINGSHIP OF YOU, means God saying YOU ARE MINE and the devil cannot touch you. And as He sees you worshipping Him, He rejoices and accepts your worship.
“YOU, feeling God and acknowledging His reign in you. GOD, feeling you and declaring His Kingship of you.”
FEELING GOD, means accepting His presence and existence. Is there a God? Yes, there is a God who must be without beginning and no end. An Eternal God who created the universe and began Man’s time and entered into it by creating man in His own image.
This feeling begins with you and connects you to God and should never be severed. This is what faith is, never cutting your connection with God no matter what happens in your life.
Why can’t this feeling end? Because when God created you, He not only created you in His own image but made you a LIVING SOUL by breathing into you His SPIRIT. There is a part of God in you so your feeling of Him should never end. Rather, could never end, because whether you are aware of Him or not He is in you.
ACKNOWLEDGING HIS REIGN, means accepting that He rules your life. It is not you who lives but He who lives in you. When you pray, when you enter His temple and His presence, it is not any purpose that drives you but rather the Holy Spirit that powers you to overcome all things and achieve great things for Him. You were created so that God can overcome this world through you. He has no other way but you. Accepting this and His will for you is worship.
GOD FEELING YOU, means He rejoices that you have come to worship Him. He welcomes you to His flock within His Church where He is at door. He says come so that He can feel your presence.
DECLARING HIS KINGSHIP OF YOU, means God saying YOU ARE MINE and the devil cannot touch you. And as He sees you worshipping Him, He rejoices and accepts your worship.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Attached is a picture of LANCE MALACHI LIMPIN FILIO nicknamed ELI.
This is now the time to thank all of you for your prayers and to some of you for the financial help. OUR GOD IS A WONDERFUL AND MIRACULOUS GOD WHO RE-GAVE A NORMAL HEART TO ELI. He was operated on last November 8th to revert his red and blue blood arteries to normal and is now a bouncing normal baby boy surprising even the staff of Philippine Heart Center with his quick recovery. Thank you all for the prayers.
ELI showed us the true meaning of FAITH. Let us all continue praying for Lance and Nikki in their struggle to make both ends meet for their Million Peso Baby. GLORY BE TO GOD!
Because Christ lives,
Pastor Galying & Lucy, Children, grandchildren including the newly-hearted Eli.
Sunday, January 06, 2008

BRIMMING! SIKSIK! The word means overflowing with worshippers. This is the battle cry of God’s people of Baclaran Unida Evangelical Church on its 76th YEAR.
We begin our Celebration of the 76th Anniversary on January 12th at 6:00 am with a PARADE OF ALL THE MEMBERS around Barangay Baclaran, preceded by a “SALVATION RUN” by 16 young men and women around the perimeter of Baclaran. As soon as they are back, the Drum & Lyre Band will signal the beginning of the parade.
The next day, there will be a SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICE with the Unida’s General Secretary Rev. JARVIN RESUS as the main speaker. Special guest singer is the Philippines leading classical singer, RACHELLE GERODIAS. Main feature is KORO NG BACLARAN and the GALA PERFORMANCE of “KAISANG UNIDA, HUMAYO NA!” by the Unida 75th Anniversary Committee.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

We welcome God's New Year, not with any lucky charm, but with Jesus in our Hearts.
Eccl 3:1-8
3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
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